Getting “Hammered” at Porto’s Festival of Saint John
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Getting “Hammered” at Porto’s Festival of Saint John

Porto’s Festival of Saint John Perhaps you recall my recent mentioning of fish heads? Or of fish-head hats? Of smoking sardines or curly green wigs? Of jubilant crowds to parades floating past while the beats and their throats formed the songs that were sung on the streets with some lyrics I could not work out…

Left His Fish Tank to Swim in the Ocean, Naked
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Left His Fish Tank to Swim in the Ocean, Naked

“I won’t tell you how to get from point A to point B but I will tell you about what happened to me between point A and point B,” Andrew explains in the “About Me” section of his website: He travels the world, with the self-appointed mission of avoiding his comfort zone en route….

Happy Blogiversary to Me!
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Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Today is a special day because it marks a big milestone for me. It’s the one-year (plus one day!) anniversary of my having published my very first blog post. In other words, it’s my very first blogiversary. YAY! That very first post was aptly titled It’s About Damn Time, because it took me so long…