Spiders & Driving: A Public Service Announcement
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Spiders & Driving: A Public Service Announcement

People are well aware ofΒ the dangers of texting and driving or of drinkingΒ and driving, but there’s another menace lurking in dark crevices andΒ under closed car visors that we rarely ever discuss. What is this creeping menace, you ask? (Okay, I knowΒ you alreadyΒ sawΒ the title and featured image. Just humor me!) [Insert dramatic pause here.] It’s spiders…

Turning 41: My Top-10 Highlights of the Past Year
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Turning 41: My Top-10 Highlights of the Past Year

Forty has been a pretty amazing and memorable year for me, so as I turn 41, I thought I’d do a swift review of my personal top-ten milestones of this past year. 10. My First Marathon! Technically, this was a year and one week ago. I ran the Paris Marathon one week before turning 40!…

Morocco Beckons: Finding My Roots
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Morocco Beckons: Finding My Roots

“Coffee or tea?” Abdul asked when I entered the breakfast room. It was November 30th. I had woken up, gotten ready, and gone to breakfast as usual that morning — although it was anything but a usual day. “Coffee, thank you.” I sat at one of the breakfast tables and unwrapped a few slices of…