Corona Quarantine Chronicles: What’s Life Like for a NYC Met Opera Performer These Days?
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Corona Quarantine Chronicles: What’s Life Like for a NYC Met Opera Performer These Days?

The year 2000 was special for those of us who remember it. Collectively, we survived the ill-founded fears of Y2K unscathed. And on the eve of the new millennium, we partied to Prince like it was 1999. When we awoke on the first of the first, we were thankful to be alive! Grateful that the…

Corona Quarantine Chronicles: Granada, Spain
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Corona Quarantine Chronicles: Granada, Spain

Yesterday I watched (and re-watched) a homemade clip Rick Steves posted to Facebook. A lovely little slice of self-quarantine life, it was inspiring, to say the least. The video featured Rick in his home in Edmonds, Washington, sitting at his piano, sharing with us a three-minute glimpse at his musical side. “Being locked in can…

Black, Blonde, Asian, or Other — Gawked at While Traveling the World
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Black, Blonde, Asian, or Other — Gawked at While Traveling the World

This past Saturday, while scrolling through Instagram, I stopped in my tracks at a picture of Oneika Raymond. The picture was lovely, but the words are what lured me in and kept me reading (and replying) to comments for almost an hour. The topic? Oneika gave a candid recap of her experience as a black…